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New dew - live music

The Project

Super Secret Studios, a popular recording studio for independent artists in Portland, Oregon, wanted to create something fun and unique for music lovers stuck at home during the pandemic. They invited us to film the jazz band New Dew, in their studio space, and create an immersive music video of their performance.

The Process

We set up two 360 cameras in the space and had a traditional videographer stand in one spot filming with a DSLR. With our wireless 360 recording system, we could step out of the room and maintain a safe distance from the performers while monitoring our shot in real time. 

In post, we created a 360 music video with a picture-in-picture effect that allows the audience to choose between watching the performance in 360, or focus on the traditional, “flat” view for a super unique show experience that is accessible right from the comfort of home.

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